Therapy cleanses the historical debris that blocks momentum and success. This is done through a series of self-reflective opportunities. It works with a person on wounds which developed and remain unhealed from the past. It updates parts of the human psyche, which had to adapt to dysfunction to survive but no longer are a favorable means by which to live.
A simple example is when a person gets so angry they scream to be heard. Often, this comes from a time when a child was ignored and to get the attention of others, found success in screaming. The flip side is, a child witnessing a family member screaming to get what they needed and thus, the child learned screaming is effective. This part is stuck in this adaptation until it reviews the context, reframes the meaning and is released to a newer concept of effective communication and existence. This requires introspection.
Life coaching is a teaching environment making use of analytical reasoning skills, rather than therapeutic modalities. It requires consumers to be accountable for their actions and monitors them for transparency and effectiveness. If we take our journeys seriously, we choose to work smarter not harder.
Life coaching does not include therapy. Instead of focusing on the past, as life coaches, we focus on creating clarity for our consumer’s future vision. Our goals are to help you assess personal strengths and mitigate blocks, whether it is personality, careers, relationships, character, or habitually being hijacked by the unknown. Any barrier stifles progression; we want you on the move!
Is a form of brain reconfiguring, meant to literally change the structure of the brain. Neurofeedback focuses on training the central nervous system, which in turn, improves mental performance, psychological integrity, and physiological stability. While this enhances self-regulation, it also focuses on the bioelectrical functioning of the brain, which is more important than chemical imbalances. Sometimes this is referred to as bio feedback. The critical element here, is the brain waves and resting states are monitored and tuned into an optimum frequency for personal excellence. A trained NFB specialist determines the treatment protocol.
In addition, in-depth therapy, coaching, and case management can be supplemented if the need arises.
Finally, medical issues are always addressed first. A thorough medical history is required before treatment is ensued. N~S~N® operates from the premise, all parts are welcomed, all healthy goals are acceptable and all input, holistic, medical, or alternative, remain respected.